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Pakray M • 1 year ago

This is a great anime and I've been watching it for 3 competed seasons and 18 episodes already; but just who the fuck is Ri Shin?

Red Gamer • 1 year ago

when shin becomes general, he needs to have family name and king sei will bestow him the name "Ri" Shin after hearing that Hyou also have a family name bestow called "Ri" Hyou which was bestow by sei, shin also choosed the same family name as Hyou.

Pakray M • 1 year ago

Thanks. It comes comes up when you google "Kingdom anime main character" but it seems like even though I had searched for the Anime, information from Manga was uploaded that the Anime hasn't caught on with.

Ri Xin is one of the major generals who united China under the rule of Zheng in the warring states history. Fortunately, there's are only few details about him including the character Qiang Lei (Kyou Kai), which is why I think the author made Xin into the main character since he then can work around his story on him being the sword of Zheng in the unification of all the states under one banner.

Red Gamer • 1 year ago

yeah, manga is way ahead...it will need like 10 more season to catch up i think.......till the manga ends the anime would have 50 seasons lol

Amano erika. • 1 year ago

I thought this battle would be resolved this episode. Silly me...

The amount of obstacles Zheng and Xin have to face is ridiculous and they just keep piling before them. Just landing on the opposite shore was a hurdle but now the gates to the capital are opening? Shit is so intense I have no idea what to expect.

I wonder if Qiang and the rest will make it in time. Facing 30k of soldiers with less than 10k is not the best position for Xin and the boys and now they even have the rebellion in the capital to deal with. I hope Zheng has some countermeasures for that as well

Red Gamer • 1 year ago

if im correct kyoukai wont come, she will be busy on fight agianst Wei.instead shoiheikun leaves ryo fui faction and joins sei faction and goes into battlefield with his elite troop.

Dazed • 1 year ago

If there's one battle they shouldn't rush, it's this one. Not bc it's special per se, but bc of the symbolical meaning that it has for Zheng & Xin.

Krazy_Kirby • 1 year ago

unifying feudal china wasn't easy

Their baby is so adorable

Dazed • 1 year ago

3000 troops just letting themselves be slaughtered by cavalry. They should have fortified their position a lot better. For liberating troops, they sure weren't very prepared to hold the river bank for their allies.

15:05 lmao. Look at them fly. Each of these guys probably weighs over 150 kg with all that equipment and he sends 5 or 6 casually flying. That's nearly a ton that Xin can almost effortlessly throw into the air. Amazing.

I hope they put in the entire conversation between Ryo fui & Zheng without simplifying it. Their battle of beliefs about the future of China is just as important as the physical fight happening outside.

Krescent Wolf • 1 year ago

Xin slowly becoming more of a Dynasty Warriors character. It's great to see. XD

Kurosaki Ichigo • 1 year ago

i agree with you but 150kg? maybe you meant lb that would make more sense

Dazed • 1 year ago

Did some simplistic math, but I'm not going to deny I might've been too nonchalant about the numbers.

I took about 80kg average weight for each person trained to be a soldier + 20 kg lamellar armour + shield + weapons + clothes underneath. So I guess, 110-120 kg would come closer.

Cpt. Yamiii • 1 year ago

Bro...it's an anime. To show power, anything happens with exaggerated strength, hugeness, wits, etc.

Dazed • 1 year ago

No way, Josei.

Dunno why people always have to assume an observation is a complaint.

Jeffrey Forsgren • 1 year ago

essa op é a segunda melhor até agr

Highlord_of_Iron • 1 year ago


Tigar • 1 year ago

Yes it is dear, go read now!!🤭❤

Distophic • 1 year ago

The cover changed i almost couldn't recognize if the tittle wasn't there

Dgeg Gghrg • 1 year ago

Aw the mother was so pretty though!

Rhys Saxton • 1 year ago

I'm as lonely as I can ever be

Bailey Lowe • 1 year ago

Dah TL mentok sampe chapter berapa mapren?

micze • 1 year ago

God... Pls have mercy... I want to lash his back rn... I know that she only wants to be worth for someone cuz she's all alone since she's born.

Lilletroll123 • 1 year ago

Maaahh... Bgtulah ma pren... Mue~muehehe... Yare yare danna

Thrasher92 • 1 year ago

Don't worry, she will eventually fall in love with him so she won't leave ( I hope)

George Barnett • 1 year ago

gw kira pc/internet gw yang gangguan

Sagap • 1 year ago

Yooo! Kalo di animasi-in bakal epic itu ,terbang di kawal sekumpulan DRAGON NEWT

BananaRoshan • 1 year ago

Tks Tks no sabe ni lo basico ese pelo amarrillo. Me huele a muerto. 🤣🤣🤣.

Codorniu • 1 year ago

Bingung Saya >

Orglem • 1 year ago

Pure evil reincarnation 😅😅

KingD87 • 1 year ago

Miku cantando y Jashin-chan sufriendo 🤣

Bellarom • 1 year ago


MysticChicken • 1 year ago


Daybreak • 1 year ago

Akting nya jelek

II loveThisAnime • 1 year ago


Nevacaneza • 1 year ago

cant wait to see ryou fui get mental health problems

PerkyPie Sirapandji • 1 year ago

19:09 Ten's face lmao.

Pakray M • 1 year ago

Who is this Ka Ryo Ten chan that makes faces at 19:02?

Cpt. Yamiii • 1 year ago

that rabbit friend of Xin talks a lot on battle... I keep skipping whenever I see his face.

Meliodas • 1 year ago

Bihei is a legend. Don't mock him.

Cpt. Yamiii • 1 year ago

I'm not Chinese, IDGAF.